Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Our Beautiful girl - Noelle
I want to tell you a story about the most spirited dog that I have ever met. Her name was Noelle. Noelle because she was picked up by Coquitlam Animal shelter on Christmas and remained in their care for a year and a half - waiting for a home. Not surprising that no one wanted to take her home when they saw all her antics behind her kennel gate. Well...... except the slimbags that wanted a junk yard guard dog....
When I was called about this girl, I went out to meet her and my eyes did widen a bit when I saw her bending the chain link of her door trying to get out at the people.
Wheeeeeeeeew! She was a firecracker! I loved her immediately!
If you really watched her though, you could see this little glint of humor in her eyes, she was having so much fun with the whole ordeal.
We made friends right away, and I took her into our care. I believe that was back in 2005.
Noelle stayed with me for another year and a half. Waiting.. waiting, waiting for that perfect home.
oh, it wasn't that she didn't have her chances, believe me. I adopted that dog out so many times I was going to start using her as a fundraiser soon! With 3 failed adoptions under her belt (or between her teeth) it was obvious that what I thought was the perfect home, and what she thought was the perfect home, where worlds apart.
oh yes, I remember the very nice gentleman that had an excellent home to offer! He applied and we went through the whole ordeal all over again. Reference checks, home checks, hours emailing and talking on the phone. He 'got it'. He was perfect! ha.. well, I thought so. (and so did the dog he ended up adopting).
You see, when he came out to meet the princess, she took one look at him and without bending her legs or anything, she dropped right over on her side and pretended she was dead the whole time he was there. No word of a lie!
While the nice man was talking and concerned about my newly dead dog, I was busy plotting her REAL death! I wanted to kick her sooo bad! That might of not been appropriate in front of the nice man. So there she laid, squeezing her eyes shut while he tried to coax her out of her dramatic death.
Finally he gave up. I mean really... who wants to adopt a dead dog?
I saw him to the door, and as soon as he was in his vehicle, that little..... princess was at the window barking at him. Our eyes locked and I was running for the house.. she was going to get a home alright! Those eyes that were squeezed so tight 2 minutes ago where now wide as saucers as she saw me coming. Oh yes, if I would of only caught her that day....
And then it happened.... Darrick and Maari applied. At this point I wasn't really hopeful this dog was ever going to leave, but well, might as well make the effort.
Oh.my.God.... no seriously... oh my God!!! They came to meet another dog I think.. and oh no, she was having none of that! She shoved everyone to the side, and with googly eyes, looked at Darrick and I could almost hear her yelling DADDY! They were all so happy and lovey dovey.. Ha!
I leaned against the counter, watching this little scene with my arms folded and my tongue in my cheek. Sure, drama queen...sure you want them to adopt you.
With an eyebrow raised at the dog who wouldn't make eye contact with me suddenly.. I thought ok, let's go do the home visit. I grabbed that dog and took her with me. Oh no.. your coming!
What I learned that day was that I was just the vessel. That dog was going to choose her own home and I just needed to give her a lift. She charged around the house like she owned the place, hopped up on their sofa and made herself at home (beside Darrick of course) Maari was ok too, but it was all about Darrick.
About a month after they adopted Noelle - I got the phone call. I KNEW IT. What did she do? I asked? Nothing, they were in love with her, but guess, what? they just found out they were having twins! YIKES I said.. oh... I mean congratulations! I really wasn't too sure how that was going to pan out, but was pretty sure she would be coming back.
Nope! Noelle loved those babies. She'd lay in between their cribs while they slept, cried, played and got their diapers changed. Always present at meal times of course for all those tasty treats that hit the ground. Little food dispensers! I think that is why she stuck so close ;)
These past years, I have seen Noelle often when we were delivering food. I always viewed her with a slight suspicion. After living with her for almost two years, I think deep down she was just up to no good. But I loved her madly, as everyone did that met her. How could you not? She demanded it, and we all were under her spell...
We stopped doing the food deliveries a while ago, and I missed seeing all our adopted babies. Her for sure.
Well, as it happens when you've been doing this rescue gig long enough, the dogs you bond to and adopt out, start passing away. And now Maari has shared this heartbreaking news. Somehow though.... I thought she would out live us all.
Thank you to Coquitlam animal shelter for taking her in and keeping her when almost any other shelter would of euthanized her right after her holding period.
And mostly to Maari, Darrick, and your family, for loving her so well. You were exactly where she was meant to be.
I know she's giving them all 'what-for' up there. I can almost hear her stomping around and bossing everyone.
Give 'em hell Noelle. I know you will.
Thank you for being you, for touching my heart and showing me what rescue was really about...
It has to happen, and we all know that is the cycle of life. But somehow.. the world just seems a little dimmer...
Bye baby girl.
Waggin Train Treats - BEWARE
This is a warning that has been around for a while, and has recently hit facebook and gone viral.
PLEASE research what you are giving your pets. Here is a post that was posted in the German Shepherd Dog Community on Facebook:
Ok everyone...THESE are among the chicken treats responsible for killing dogs or making them seriously ill. Vets everywhere are now warning everyone to stop giving your dogs these treats. They are slowly shutting down dog's kidneys and it is because of something they have in them, still as yet UNKNOWN. The fact that they don't know what the contaminant is, is why the FDA has not pulled these treats from stores. Do not buy ANY treats made in China, as that is where these contaminated, poisonous products are coming from.
The FDA has recieved over 600 complaints on these....other brands are Canyon Creek Ranch and DOGSWELL...anyone feeding their dog chicken treats needs to look at the package carefully as the words "Made in China" can be very small...do not be fooled by the phrase "An American Company" they are using in large print!
It's a huge issue and is still being investigated! Please click share and pass along - it could save a life! ~cheryl
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